DMCA protection for webcam models
and content creators

Monitoring and Takedown service

Remove webcam show recordings.

Remove stolen OnlyFans, Fansly content.

Remove images, videos and links from Google search results.

Remove pirated content from social media X (Twitter), Reddit.

Complete privacy, we only need your nickname.

We are always ready to answer all your questions.

We give discounts to our regular customers.

Our team speaks English, Russian and French.

How it works
Contact us, don't forget to include nicknames and links to your profiles.
Coordination of work and price.
Removing pirated content from websites.
Report with all removed links.
Removing content
from a pirated website
$1 / 1 video or photo
Removing content
from Google search results
(1 photo = 1 link)
$100 / 500 links
Beginner Model
Monitoring and removing content
from pirated websites

Removing content
from Google search results

All your nicknames

$100 / month
Top Model

Monitoring and removing content

from pirated websites

Removing content

from Google search results

All your nicknames

$200 / month
Contact us

Telegram: @dmca_protector

X (Twitter): @DMCAprotector